Data Protection
We at Brightside Training and Consultancy are required to comply with the provisions of the Data Protection Act 2018 (the ‘Act’) in relation to how we handle any personal data which we obtain from you. Any personal information gathered will only be used in the context of the training activity that you undertake with us. We may also collect Sensitive Personal Data relating to you but only with your explicit consent in advance. We may process all the information we obtain from you to enable us to fulfil our contractual obligations to you and we may request further information from third parties or disclose your details to other selected third parties, such as the Skills Funding Agency, Awarding Organisations or their regulators such as the Security Industry Authority (SIA).
We may from time to time send to you or your company by email or by post details about products or courses which we believe may be of interest to you. If you no longer require such information to be sent, or if you have provided us with any information that you no longer wish us to use, please contact us on the telephone number given below.
In disclosing your personal details to us, you agree that we may process and in particular may disclose your personal data:
(1) Monitor equal opportunities relating to ethnicity or disability; or for other such monitoring purposes; or
(2) Account for candidates where there is a requirement to do so; or (3) where there is a requirement for such bodies to contact a candidate directly and the information is not readily accessible by other means
The Skills Funding Agency and Awarding Organisations may also transfer your personal information outside the European Economic Area but Brightside Training and Consultancy will use all reasonable efforts to ensure that any such transferred information is given the same protection and levels of security as if it were being processed within the UK.
You have the right to require us to correct any inadequacies in the personal details we hold about you and to object to any direct marketing which we carry out using your personal details. You also have the right to ask for a copy of the information held by us in our records in return for payment of a small fee which will not exceed £10. Please contact us on Tel 07908 757324 or e-mail: you wish to obtain a copy of the personal data which we hold in relation to you.
Dated: 01/01/25
Mark Chappell
Head of Centre
Brightside Training and Consultancy is an equal opportunity business taking into account the diversity within our workforce, customers and learners.
We believe that everyone should be treated equally, regardless of their religion, beliefs, age, gender, race, disability or sexual orientation.
Commitment to Equality & Diversity
The Equality & Diversity Policy requires commitment from everyone within the Company. Our Head of Centre is responsible for the implementation and effective operation of this policy and copies can be obtained from our Centre Administrator upon request.
This policy and the legislation it represents will be taken into account during the design and development of all our manuals and literature.
Our Responsibilities
As an employer we ensure that we have a workplace where staff feel valued, respected and included. Upon commencement of their employment, staff will be informed of the existence of this Policy and the company’s expectations of them under its terms. Harassment, exclusion and bullying will not be tolerated on any level. All staff should feel comfortable at work and always be treated with dignity and respect.
We will ensure that fair standards of employment practice and proper records of employment decisions are maintained.
We will deliver training on new and revised legislation to all our staff.
We will treat all our business partners, customers and learners with respect, courtesy and consideration at all times.
Employees’ Responsibilities
All of our employees must adhere to and comply with this Policy and the spirit in which it is written.
Employees must treat all colleagues and customers with courtesy, respect and consideration at all times.
If employees believe that any form of discrimination is taking place within the workplace, we expect them to report this to senior management immediately.
Your Rights & Responsibilities
You can expect to be treated with respect, courtesy and consideration at all times by our staff and we expect you to treat our staff in the same way.
You will not be discriminated against or treated less favourably in any way on the grounds of your religion, beliefs, age, gender, race, disability, or sexual orientation.
Wherever possible all vacancy advertisements will include an appropriate short statement on equal opportunity and diversity, and steps will be taken to ensure that knowledge of vacancies reaches all areas of the community. We will also endeavour to ensure that all vacancies are advertised both internally and externally simultaneously.
The selection criteria (job description and employee specification) for all roles will be kept under constant review to ensure that they are essential for the effective performance of the job.
Remuneration will be set for the advertised position before applicants are seen and selected.
Wherever possible, more than one person must be involved in the recruitment and selection process. In addition, the reasons for the selection and rejection of applicants for vacancies must be recorded.
Employee Training and Promotion
Whilst all training and employment opportunities will be offered strictly on merit, we will encourage underrepresented groups to apply for these opportunities within our company.
Wherever possible, efforts will be made to identify and remove unnecessary or unjustifiable barriers and provide appropriate facilities and conditions of service to meet the special needs of disadvantaged and/or underrepresented groups.
Objectives of the Policy
No applicant, employee or customer will receive less favourable treatment or be subjected to any form of discrimination.
All employees and customers will be given the help they need to attain their full potential wherever that is possible.
We secure the best employees for our needs by accessing all sections of the community.
We achieve an ability-based workforce that is in line with the working population mix.
Feedback and Complaints
We will deal with any complaints of discrimination quickly and in a constructive manner.
Any feedback or complaints that we receive will be dealt with compassionately. We appreciate that this can be a difficult subject to raise and individuals may feel uncomfortable or intimidated. We are committed to ensuring that you feel able to come forward without fear.
If you have any concerns, please contact: –
The Centre Administrator
Brightside Training and Consultancy
3a Lowesmoor Wharf
Tel: 07908 757324
This policy runs through every function of our business. We understand the importance of equality and diversity and will ensure that this policy is being implemented by all concerned.
This policy takes into account the following existing legislation: –
Monitoring & Review
We will monitor all of the feedback that we receive in relation to the issues affected by the Policy and will amend the policy as necessary.
The Policy will be updated with any amendments to existing legislation or new legislation.
In any event, this policy will be reviewed annually.
The Centre Administrator
Brightside Training and Consultancy
Dated: 01/01/25
Mark Chappell
Head of Centre
Good Practice and Fair Assessment
In order create and maintain good practice and fair assessment Brightside Training and Consultancy will ensure that:
There is periodical review of the assessment undertakings as an integral part of the course review. Please see the NVQ Code of Practice for further information on assessment practice and the roles of staff involved in the process.
Brightside Training and Consultancy will:
Verify an appropriately structured sample of assessor work from all programmes, sites and teams, to ensure centre programmes conform to national standards and external verification requirements.
Learners will
Awarding Body Personnel will:
As requested, Brightside Training and Consultancy quality reviewers receive access to all assessment documentation and evidence that supports the award of credit/qualifications
External Quality Assurance will
External Quality Assurance is carried out by appointed External Quality Assurers (EQAs). The EQA will scrutinise the evidence for all units offered by the Centre.
They will:
Dated: 01/01/25
Mark Chappell
Head of Centre
RPL is a method of assessment that considers whether a learner can demonstrate that they can meet the assessment requirements for a unit through knowledge, experience, understanding or skills that they already possess and do not need to develop through a course of learning. In other words they can proceed directly to assessment.
RPL relates to assessment leading to the award of credit of units. Assessment is conducted against the learning outcomes and assessment criteria.
All evidence provided must be valid, current (generally up to 3 years, sufficient (covers all criteria) and authentic.
NB: Learners must still undertake all the stipulated amount of practical assessments associated with the unit and cover all of the range.
Learners will be encouraged to take responsibility for making and supporting any claims for RPL. Learners will be advised and encouraged from the start of their learning experience to assess their prior achievements and experiences and to record these appropriately. Support for action planning, recording of achievement, appropriate evidence will begin at the initial interview, induction or early in the programme and continue through the learning process (as appropriate).
The centre recognises that there may be a need to offer RPL to learners prior to enrolment onto a course. Claims for RPL will be discussed on an individual basis (interview) where the assessor must be satisfied that the learner has the necessary underpinning knowledge and skills to proceed straight to assessment. The assessor will agree an action plan with the learner for their individual training and assessment pathway to the specific unit or qualification they wish to obtain. Learners will be charged a fee as appropriate to the tutor time involved. This is generally 50% of the cost of the module fee for which they are claiming RPL.
The facility for a learner to claim exemption from some of the achievement requirements of a QCF qualification, using evidence of certificated, non-QCF achievement deemed to be of equivalent value.
This means that a learner could achieve a qualification through a combination of credits awarded for units with the QCF, and exemption from the requirement to achieve credits for a unit of units based on certificated achievements outside the QCF.
All cases of exemption will be discussed on an individual basis with the assessor.
NB: Learners will not be awarded credit for exemptions as they have come from outside of the QCF. This means that they do not have a credit value to bank.
A learner can count credits awarded for another qualification or by another awarding body towards a qualification if equivalent unit. Equivalence, unlike exemption, uses units that sit within the QCF, whereas exemption uses units that sit outside of the QCF.
NB: RPL and Exemption are not necessarily a way of saving time or money. There can be a lot of time and work required to gather evidence, present it and assess it. Often it may be simpler, easier and cheaper to follow the traditional training and assessment route.
Those responsible within the centre are:
Name: Mark Chappell
The centre agrees to comply with the recognition of prior learning, exemption and equivalence policy as outlined above:
M Chappell
Head of Centre
Brightside Training and Consultancy
Dated: 01/01/25
This quality assurance policy outlines our belief and commitment to ensure that on-going quality improvement is an integral part of our organisation.
Brightside Training and Consultancy will aim for continuous improvement in the quality of all aspects of its work as part of its determination to help learners achieve the highest possible standards
Adult Curriculum
The process of quality control requires all staff to meet on a regular basis to review their work, set standards and monitor learner perceptions and achievements.
The Role of Internal Quality Assurance
Brightside Training and Consultancy recognises that the role of the Lead Internal Verifier/Moderator is at the heart of the Internal Quality Assurance process as an approved centre for a range of awarding bodies. In this context, it is also recognised that the Internal Verifier/Moderator is key in managing “risk” in ensuring that the assessment creditability has been maintained throughout the process and that Assessors are supported and monitored.
Internal Verification/Moderation of QCF Certificate Programmes
On Certificate QCF programmes all staff carrying out the internal quality assurance role must have the following qualifications which are appropriate to the role and within agreed time scales:
V1 – Conduct Internal Quality Assurance of the Assessment Process
Level 3 Certificate in Assessing Vocational Achievement
Level 3 Award in Assessing Competence in the Work Environment
Level 3 Award in Assessing Vocational Achievement
TAQA – Training, Assessment and Quality Assurance
Additional qualifications and experience requirements will be identified in the qualification Assessment Strategy laid down by the Sector Skills Council/National Training Organisation. There is currently no need for existing staff holding the A1, V1 Assessor/Verifier awards to re- qualify to the new standards.
The relationship between internal verifiers and external verifiers is of course key, and the tools at their disposal are vital. Sampling is a powerful tool, but it is not commonly used well. Advice is available and includes rules of thumb such as the 10% or the square root rule. 10% or the square root of what? And which do you use anyway? (This is not recommended to use). Selecting a sample at random is unlikely to be effective, so sampling should be planned carefully. By adopting a structured approach it is more likely that trends and problem areas can be identified and remedial action taken. (also see guidance for assessment & internal verification documentation).
Best practice is that the internal verifier achieves this by thorough planning which must at least in part include observing Assessor/learners assessments and identifying areas of risk. An acronym has been created to help check that the sampling system addresses all essential factors. This acronym is CAMERA. Many factors need to be considered when sampling. Careful consideration of these can help to produce a plan that ensures assessment within the centre is being carried out to national standards and meets awarding body requirements. The following table outlines these:
Sampling assessments should involve reviewing the quality of the Assessor judgements at both Formative and Summative stages. It should also meet the rules of assessment i.e.:
It is not acceptable that the Internal Verifier should search extensively to find evidence, which supports the Assessors decision(s).
FACTORS You need to consider
C: Learners (Learners) Ethnic origin, age, gender other factors. Something from all
Learners (learners) should be sampled through their course
A: Assessors Experience and qualifications, workload, occupational experience
M: Methods of assessment Questioning, observation, testimony, APL, use of
simulation, product evidence, assignments, projects and tests
E: Evidence within the NVQ Problem areas, special requirements
R: Records Reports from Apprentice Development Coach / Assessors, IV records, learners portfolios and files
A: Assessment locations Workplace assessments, college and off-the job
training, other assessment locations
Must have sufficient experience of having conducted assessments of the National Standards they are verifying, or in an appropriate related area.
‘Sufficient’ is defined as:
The A1/V1 National Standards additionally place increased autonomy on the internal quality assurance process with increased emphasis on activities that are far reaching compared to the old D34 national standards:
For programmes other than competency based qualifications, the requirements for IV or IM do not include holding a V1/D34 qualification. However the V1 standards identify best practice which the college expects all internal verifiers/moderators to demonstrate through records, appropriate to the quality assurance requirements of specific awarding bodies, or for internally certificated courses – Recognising and Recording Progress and Achievement (RARPA),
The Brightside Training and Consultancy Lead Internal Verifier will ensure that:
– Plan and chair minuted internal verifier/moderation and Assessor meetings.
The Programme Internal Verifier will ensure that:
Learner award body registration
Verifying/ moderating the assessment process
Verifying/moderating the assessment process is seen as having two main objectives:
It is expected that Internal Verifiers/Moderators will consult the relevant Assessment Strategies produced by the NTO/SSC to determine the following:
Non QCF Certificate NVQ assessment strategies must be set up in line with the relevant awarding bodies requirements- see hyperlinks in last section
All internally assessed programmes will require a Sampling plan which reflects the needs of Assessors and agreed with the External Verifier/Moderator.
Sampling is the reviewing of assignments/assessments and Assessor’s judgements at a point in time through observation or diverse evidence. In determining the strategy Internal Verifiers/Moderators will need to consider a number of aspects:
In the case of all internally assessed programmes internal verification/moderation must not be “end-loaded” and must incorporate “on-going” internal verification/moderation. Sampling must not be exclusively on portfolio evidence alone and take place on the following basis.
An annual internal verification schedule must be produced identifying which Assessors, Learners, units, types of evidence and locations will be verified.
Assignments, assessments, assessment decisions and evidence must be confirmed as meeting the specific criteria and be (VAS):
The basic requirements are that the work of all learners should be sampled before their certificate is requested and over time all Assessors and the full range of qualifications are covered. Best practice is that the internal verifier achieves this by thorough planning which must at least in part include observing assessor/learners assessments. See CAMERA
The Standardisation of assessment practice is seen as having four main objectives:
Standardisation Activity
Standardisation activities have to be arranged and recorded by the Senior Verifier according to the awarding body current requirements and EQA recommendations. It is recommended that one standardisation meeting per term be carried out and recorded with programme teams. However the level of activity will be dependent on information disseminated from the internal.
For vocational programmes a record of standardisation activity is required for the A1 portfolios and for those trainee Assessors their Learners should be included in the sample. The standardisation activity can take different forms but must involve Learners’ evidence –either products or documentation/portfolios being reviewed by different Assessors, or the Assessors could compare the evidence they have collected for a particular course.
There is recognition that Standardisation practice is equally applicable to Internal Verifiers/Moderators as well as Assessors and is a requirement of some courses and awarding bodies e.g. with Edexcel introductory certificates. The Project expects this aspect of the Internal Verifier role to be further developed with teams through the Centre’s Internal Verifier. Any queries as to suitability of an activity can be referred to the Centre’s Operations Manager.
The Assessor/verifier standards require evidence of professional updating to include changes in assessment/verification practice and improving professional competence through Awarding Body seminars, training up-dates and appropriate quality events. Standards specify that Assessors and verifiers must have demonstrated updating within the last year involving at least two of the following activities:
There are a number of “vehicles” currently in place within Brightside Training and Consultancy’s mechanism that will enable the Manager to effectively identify the above needs to be effectively implemented as a course of events:
Brightside Training and Consultancy recognises that the key communication channel to the training and assessment team is through Trainer/Assessor meetings held within timescales that are appropriate to local needs. This may vary from once a month to bi-monthly. It is the responsibility of the Programme Co-ordinating Internal Verifier to structure the meetings appropriately. However, it is considered that there will be a number of common themes across all areas:
Dated: 01/01/25
Mark Chappell
Head of Centre
Malpractice policy
Brightside Training and Consultancy treats all cases of suspected malpractice* very seriously and will investigate all suspected and reported incidents of possible malpractice. The purpose of this Policy [and Procedure] is to set out how allegations of malpractice in relation to all accredited qualifications are dealt with. The scope of the policy is to provide:
*The term ‘malpractice’ in this policy is used for both malpractice and maladministration.
Any act, or failure to act, that threatens or compromises the integrity of the assessment process or the validity of QCF qualifications and their certification. This includes: maladministration and the failure to maintain appropriate records or systems; the deliberate falsification of records or documents for any reason connected to the award of QCF qualifications; acts of plagiarism or other academic misconduct; and/or actions that compromise the reputation or authority of Brightside Training and Consultancy
, or of Accredited boards, its centers, officers and employees.
coursework assignment or assessment, unless it has been clearly stated that such collaboration is permitted.
(If the study centre is also an examination centre):
(If the study centre is also an examination centre):
Possible study centre sanctions that may be applied to students
Possible sanctions that may be applied to teachers, tutors invigilators, and other officers
The Head Of Centre
Brightside Training and Consultancy
3 Lowesmoor Wharf
5.7 In cases of suspected malpractice reported by a third party, or an individual who wishes to remain anonymous, Brightside Training and Consultancy will take all reasonable steps to authenticate the reported information and to investigate the alleged malpractice.
Dated: 01/01/25
Mark Chappell
Head of Centre
Health & Safety Policy Statement
Health & Safety at Work Act 1974
Our Statement of General Policy is:
The duties of employees are to:
M Chappell
Head of Centre
Brightside Training and Consultancy
Dated: 01/01/25
Adjustment and Special Consideration Policy
As a centre we recognise disabilities are of a diverse nature and we do not tolerate discrimination on the basis of disability. Brightside Training and Consultancy complies with the Disability Discrimination Act 1995 and the amendments to the Act.
This policy embraces the requirements of the Disability Discrimination Act to allow fair access to curriculum courses or qualifications.
We aim to facilitate open access for delegates who are eligible for some reasonable adjustment and/or special consideration in assessments, without compromising the assessment of the skills, knowledge, understanding or competence being measured. This will be achieved in two ways. Firstly by reasonable adjustment; this is agreed at the pre-assessment planning stage and is any action that helps to reduce the effect of a disability or difficulty, which places the delegate at a substantial disadvantage in the assessment situation. Reasonable adjustments will not affect the reliability or validity of assessment outcomes or give the delegate an assessment advantage over other delegates undertaking the same or similar assessments.
Secondly through special consideration; this is a post-assessment allowance to reflect temporary illness, injury or indisposition that occurred at the time of assessment. Any special consideration granted cannot remove the difficulty the student faced at the time of assessment and can only be a relatively small adjustment to ensure that the integrity of the assessment is not compromised.
Reasonable Adjustment
A reasonable adjustment helps to reduce the effect of a disability or difficulty that places the student at a substantial disadvantage in the assessment situation.
Special Considerations
Dated: 01/01/25
Mark Chappell
Head of Centre
Customer Care Statement and Complaints/Appeals Procedure
Customer Care Statement
Brightside Training and Consultancy is committed to improving its standards and welcomes comments, whether positive or negative, from all its customers and stakeholders.
A complaints procedure is a key element in the company’s approach to customer care. By following a complaints procedure Brightside Training and Consultancy can maintain and improve the quality of its service to customers and stakeholders by identifying where mistakes and genuine grievances have arisen so that these are rectified and that similar circumstances do not re-occur.
Customer Complaints Procedure
In the first instance raise your complaint with the member of staff you are dealing with directly, as we aim to deal with most complaints informally and immediately at the time and place they are made. If the learner is unhappy to approach the member of staff directly, then they can approach the office manager.
If the delegate is dissatisfied with this initial stage, then they can make a formal complaint. The complaint should be sent by email only to:
The Centre Administrator
Brightside Training and Consultancy
Your complaint will be formally acknowledged within three working days.
Within 15 working days of receiving the above acknowledgement you will receive from the Centre Administrator (or his/her nominated representative) a full reply to which your complaint refers.
If you are unhappy with the response from the Centre Administrator (or his/her nominated representative) you can write to the Director at the address above. Your letter will be acknowledged within 3 working days.
Within 15 working days of receiving the above acknowledgement you will receive from The Director a full reply to which your complaint refers. The decision taken by Head of Centre is final.
Once the centres internal procedures have been exhausted and if the candidate is not happy with the outcome of the complaint the candidate should follow the appeals procedure.
Appeals Procedure
If the delegate is still dissatisfied, after the completion of the informal stage, then he/she may make an appeal in writing against an academic decision within four weeks of the decision. The candidate must set out specific reasons why he/she wishes the appeal to be considered. This appeal is required in writing at the discretion of the delegate.
The written appeal should be sent by email to:
The Centre Administrator
Brightside Training and Consultancy
The tutor/trainer who made the initial assessment decision will be notified by the Centre Administrator who will arrange for the documented dissatisfaction/assessment outcome to be submitted to an Appeals Committee. The delegate will be informed in writing, within 7 working days, of the date of the Appeal hearing and make-up of the panel.
The Appeal Committee/ Centre Administrator will consider the appeal within two weeks of the formal appeal being notified and a further one week to communicate the appeals decision to the delegate.
If the delegate does not agree with the decision of the Appeal, the complainant can refer their complaint to the relevant Awarding body, as final arbiter, (details given on request).
Brightside Training and Consultancy will then adhere to the Awarding Body procedures and timelines that it sets and follow any instructions given.
If candidates feel dissatisfied with the outcome of both the training centre and awarding bodies findings in to their appeal. They can raise their appeal directly with Ofqual who are the regulator of qualifications, examinations and assessments in England and vocational qualifications in Northern Ireland.
Ofqual Number 0300 303 3346
Dated: 01/01/25
Mark Chappell
Head of Centre
Disability Policy and Procedures
Policy Statement
Brightside Training and Consultancy recognises its responsibilities and legal obligations in ensuring, as far as is reasonably possible, that people with disabilities are afforded equal opportunities with respect to employment and to receiving education
and are not discriminated against for a reason relating to their disability.
To this end, as an education provider, Brightside Training and Consultancy will take reasonable steps to:
• develop procedures and practices that enable those with disabilities to make use of our training;
• provide auxiliary aids or services that will assist disabled people to access our training;
• provide the service by an alternative method where physical barriers make it impossible or difficult for disabled people to use our service.
As an employer, Brightside Training and Consultancy will take reasonable steps to ensure:
• recruitment processes and terms of employment do not discriminate for reasons related to disability;
• opportunities offered for promotion, transfer, training or other benefits are the same for all employees;
• a disabled person is not put at a disadvantage because of their disability (e.g. provide specialist equipment, reorganise the working environment).
Every member of the Brightside Training and Consultancy team is expected, and encouraged, to show consideration towards disabled colleagues and learners, and to help implement this policy and related procedures. Discrimination on the grounds of disability will not be tolerated by Brightside Training and Consultancy.
If any member of staff has any queries about this policy, please contact Brightside Training and Consultancy Manager/Director.
Service to Learners
The accessibility of the centre will be reviewed 12 monthly, and reasonable steps to improve accessibility will be taken. When identifying reasonable steps, the following will be considered:
• whether taking particular steps would be effective in overcoming the difficulty that disabled people face in gaining access to our centre;
• the extent to which it is practicable for the Brightside Training and Consultancy to take the steps;
• financial and other costs of making the adjustment;
• the amount of disruption caused by taking the steps;
• the extent of our financial and other resources;
• money already spent by Brightside Training and Consultancy on making adjustments;
• the availability of financial or other assistance.
Any changes will be incorporated into a plan, and into Brightside Training and Consultancy maintenance programme, where appropriate, and implemented according to a realistic timescale.
Auxiliary aids that facilitate access to disabled patients are highlighted in the practice information leaflet, and include:
• external and internal ramps;
• induction loop;
• large-print information or other alternative formats, on request.
On induction, staff will be provided with the centre policy and procedures related to disability and made aware of issues relating to the Equality Act 2010, and the legal obligations of Brightside Training and Consultancy and its staff.
Staff will not discriminate on the basis of disability and will not treat a learner (or colleague) less favourably for reasons of disability. Note that there might be situations where a learner or a member of the centre team would be harmed if treatment was not refused; for genuine health and safety reasons, therefore, it might not be possible to provide care for a disabled person in our centre.
Staff are encouraged to:
• be aware that disabilities take a variety of forms and are not always visible;
• move from behind the desk if the desk is not at a level that is comfortable for wheelchair users to see staff or to lean on the desk;
• familiarise themselves with the centres evacuation procedures and how disabled patients are helped from the premises;
• avoid cluttering the centre with obstacles such as bags or boxes;
• treat all patients with dignity and respect and bear in mind that disabled patients have a right to good service, just like anyone else.
Responsibilities to Employees
• All person specifications, job descriptions and advertisements will clearly outline the genuine essential requirements of the post.
• All applicants will be assessed on their individual merits.
• Reasonable adjustments will be made in the recruitment and selection process, as required.
• The discussion of support requirements to enable an applicant with a disability to fulfil the duties of the post will take place after those involved in recruitment have taken the decision to appoint the applicant. The offer of employment to the applicant may be conditional on the nature of the disability and the reasonableness of any adjustments that may be required to be made.
• Training and development opportunities for promotion are offered equally to all employees.
• Reasonable adjustments that will help a disabled employee fulfil the functions of their position and avoid putting them at a disadvantage will be discussed with the employee and put into action.
The following staff have read and understood this policy.
Centre Team Member Position Signature Date
Dated: 01/01/25
Mark Chappell
Head of Centre